Thursday, April 24, 2014

LTV 19-22

Anne and the King are weird and wooed by one another. The book that the real life anne knew would be stolen was stolen in this chapter. She is still planning on ruining the Cardinal as she always has been. Henry assures anne that he will return the book to her shortly. Henry is true to his word and retrieves the book and is appalled after he reads it. Anne is more sure now than ever that things are going to go well for her. Dr. Fox has returned and gives the news that the Pope has agreed to the annulment.

Thursday, April 10, 2014


My love for you is remarkably gone
I'm a lost mockingbird singing a song
One day I hope to replenish our love
Perhaps chocolate soap or maybe a dove
I will do whatever it takes my dear
Not regaining you is my only fear
I vow to change my ways for better not worse
Gucci Prada ill buy you a nice purse


Anne meets Margaret Butler, they talk about the rumors of her mistressness and surprisingly to me Anne is honest with her and admits they are. She figures out how good of friends she is with Margaret. Anne and her mother decide to spend the holidays with the wyatts. Thomas isn't there which is kind of a bummer to me cause id rather her be with him that Henry but whatevvvv. When she gets back to hever she has a letter from Henry waiting on her. Also a deer which is weird to me because imagine how that would seem in the modern day. Henry tells Anne how much he misses her in the letter and hopes shes doing well. She replies saying she still feels the same and she did before. Anne rides starlight and notices visitors coming to Hever. They brought another letter from Henry to Anne and meet the pope. Anne and her mother are going to meet Henry at Windsor castle. Anne goes to her chambers and is amazed by how beautiful it is. Nan and Mary were to be Anne's servants. Im still upset the author doesn't use "z's". The next morning Anne goes hunting with the King. She was flirting with the king and Katherine saw and they had a intense confrontation the next day. Anne talked bad, woo, go anne go.

ch 9-12

Anne despises wolsey and wants to see him parish. She sets things into motion to see that happen. Not so soon however because she realizes she needs him for the time being to help the king with the annulment. Everyone leaves and heads to Richmond, which Anne is astonished by. She finally meets wolsey, they take shots at each other which personally I saw coming. She tells Henry, but nothing really happens because they need wolsey and they both know it. Wolsey organizes a masque, Anne is jealously enraged by seeing the king and queen together. Anne and George go horseback riding to get away from everything and see Mary Tudor. They get back and Anne and the King fondle but she doesn't want to go any further until they are married. They discuss their relationship and Anne decides it would be best for her to return to Hever until after the holidays so rumors will simmer.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

chapters 4-8

Things have begun to heat up between The King and Anne when he came to visit at the castle. Anne picked out a gift to send and show her certain affection towards the King. She attached it to a letter confessing her willingness to be his "servant". The Boleyns went to visit their neighbors a mere 10 miles away, and Anne and Mary are told to go play with the other children. On the way Anne sways from following Mary and finds Thomas. He expresses his love for Anne and she lets him down by informing him about Henry. He takes her locket in a game after they met up with everyone else and she is saddened. Anne's brother comes makes an appearance and brings a letter from the King. The King is upset because after Anne's first letter expressing her love he has not heard from her since. He goes on to say if she is mad that he is not the same man or something of that manner. Anne feels an irritation towards Katherine because she called her a whore. Anne decides its time to go to the court so she sets it up to go with her brother and mother. Henry gives Anne gowns and jewelry. The narrator started missing her own mom in present day a great deal after seeing the close relationship between Anne and her mother. Anne is one of the queens honors and has to do what she wishes. I think its a good thing that Anne isn't deviating from what the original Anne did because she doesn't want to change history.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Essay 3

I spent a while contemplating on what to write about and how to attack it. As much as I wanted to go the satirical, sarcastic route I couldn't find anything that fit to my liking. Even after reading and re-reading "A Modest Proposal". Perhaps because I have never learned to write that way, I am not really sure. However I picked a popular proposal and went the argumentative path and I think its played out nicely. Hopefully its within the boundaries of the guidelines. haha

LTV 1-4

In "Le Temps Viendra" it started off as a woman who had a life long obsession with Anne Boleyn. As a child she visited the castle a few times and then as an adult a few more. Then one day on a special visitation she began to fill very ill and had to use the restroom. On her journey to the restroom she had a migraine and nausea. She also heard voices and smelled flowers, but no windows were open. The scent of flowers is foreshadowing I believe because Anne Boleyn loves the scent of roses in the garden. She then loses consciousness and when she regains it she is surprised to see that everything has changed. She believes that its a scene with everyone visiting the castle that day, however she soon realizes that she time traveled nearly 500 years and is now Anne Boleyn. Which by the way I am still confused as to why the author refuses to use the letter Z. Furthermore, she plays along with being Anne and then the King shows up to woo her. She doesn't know for sure if she wants the King or not, but perhaps she wants to alter history and tell him no. She is very familiar with the story and life of Anne Boleyn from her visits. In chapter three she goes hunting with the King, his people and Mary. Henry kills a stag and skins it. Anne tells her parents about King Henry's affection towards her and her dad is excited however her mom knows what could come of it. Chapter four I believe she wants to return to her normal life, however she is thrilled by learning more about Anne's life. She gives King henry a jewel ship or something and sends him a letter.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Chapter 9

Speculating about causes is a rather neat topic. Typically, I don't enjoy reading out of textbooks however this topic wasn't that horrific. I liked the blue introduction page on 402 and the description given on the left page. There were also a few stories I enjoyed reading such as "The Telescope Effect" on 415 and "Why We Crave Horror Movies" on 422. Stephen King compared a scary movie and a roller coaster, how each of them will scare a scream out of us but we do it to ourselves anyways. Page 448 helped me with improving my draft and proofreading it as well.

Second draft

I was having a hard time finding a suitable activist to write about but I finally did. I needed help with getting started so I went back to early paper writing days and started an outline. I got a good amount of help from page 445 in St. Martins Guide.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Rough Draft thoughts and feellings

The first rough draft was rather easy. I liked that we had to locate and document a plaque describing a memorable event that took place. In addition, it will cause a lot of different stories rather than everyone talking about the same thing. Also, it was easy and helpful to research the event to write about it. I think tattoos are pretty neat and I plan on having one soon. To me they express how someone feels and certain characteristics to their background to an extent.